Thursday 17 March 2016

Dismembear of the Week

A few years ago for Halloween I tried my hardest to find a weird frankenbear to go with my costume, but couldn't find one I liked for the life of me.
So I made my own.
I went to the local charity shop, bought a few bears, cut them up and then stitched them back together, adding make-up, safety pins and other bits and pieces for added Halloween spookiness.
I called him Patches.
Needless to say he got a few comments that night, so I decided to make some more!
I called them Dismembears.
A few have sold over the years but I have one left over and I'm currently working on another.

So my Dismembear of the week has to go to Patches, my first creation who was sold to a lovely little girl about three years ago.

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